Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Windy Day

Today was (maybe) the coldest day I've had here. It wasn't the actual temperature that made it cold; it was the wind.

This morning was not very fun. It started pouring at around 6 AM, which is when I was getting ready for school. I got to hear the howling wind and the ferocious rain beat against my window. It was honestly a nightmare. Because I was a little late getting out of the house (due to putting on boots and actually doing up my coat), I had to run to the bus, about 250 meters away from my front door. It felt like taking a shower only on my right side, because it was blowing and raining so hard. By the time I got to the bus, I was soaked and freezing (if only I had a car and a licence!). But mine was not the worst story. I heard about people who's power went off in the morning so they couldn't even see to get ready for school.  However, the rain stopped around noon, and so everything, except for the wind, turned back to normal.

While driving home, I looked out the window and there, on the lake (not my lake, the neighboring one, because mine is a tad more sheltered), were white caps. I have never seen the lake so choppy. I got out to take a few pictures, and my hands were numb by the time I had taken about five. I don't know whether it's because of the wind, because of my acclimatization to the hot summer, or maybe a combination of the two, but today was cold.

Right now, I'm really missing the hot summer weather.


1 comment:

  1. Idunno.

    something about this makes me happy.

    I think it's the fact that you're suffering the same coldness that I suffer through every day.



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