Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow in Texas

I didn't ever think this was truly possible, but here it is:

You can see me in the window.

From inside my front door.. see that patch of ice on the sidewalk? I slipped on it.

Just the lightest coat of snow possible.
 This is the amount of snow we got. Compared to Calgary's snow, it's absolutely pathetic. You might even get this amount of snow in the summer if you happen to be unlucky. But here in Texas, I'd say it's very impressive. I told my mom last night, "Wake me up when it starts snowing." And I was woken up at nine AM... I dragged myself out of bed, and went outside. It wasn't particularly cold. If I had measured the snow, it would have added up to maybe less than a millimeter or two. [I don't know what that is in inches.] It was more ice than snow, actually. Underneath the patches of snow, it was actually icy.

After I took these pictures, I went back to bed. There wasn't much to do. I had a very unproductive day. I'm not sure how much snow my area got, but the highways were most likely icy, making driving anywhere virtually impossible and very dangerous. As I predicted yesterday, it was only a reminder of what true winter feels like. If I were to compare today to a day in Calgary, I would say it would be like a day in September. As far as weather and conditions go, it would be no big deal, and there would certainly be school. I don't think the Calgary Board of Education has snow days.

As of now, I wish that it would start warming up. I want to feel like summer is just around the corner.


[Five months left still]


  1. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

    After complaining all about missing the snow, when it finally gets cold, you want it to be warm again.

    Well that's like me. :S Except I don't "MISS" the snow, I just want it to be warmer :)

    I really like the timer for every blog you have. Reminds me how much time I have of dumb school left.

    Haha that's ironic. Dumb and school :)

  2. Hahaha, noo, it's just that this kind of cold isn't really even that cold; it's just chilly. And it reminds me of like fall in Calgary, and it just makes me sad. And then once it starts getting warmer, it will seem like there's no time at all until summer (:

  3. Ashley T
    Hey Lauren i have a question ?
    When you say [Five months left] does that mean your coming back to Calagary! To live? Or are you just visiting?When are you coming to vist me?

  4. It's permanent.

    She's coming to live in Calgary forever.

    Gurl, you're gonna have to come to Calgary to VISIT her.

  5. Hi Ashley, just ignore my friend Willy.
    It's the time until I go back to visit Calgary... and I don't know when I will come to visit you, because that's all up to my parents! But I will visit as soon as possible!! (:


Thanks for your comments, questions, etc!