Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Fireplace

When I first moved here, I thought the fireplace in my house was more than a little unnecessary, but it's really cozy on these "wintry" nights.

These past few weeks have been pretty chilly, and although we have the heat on, it doesn't always feel warm inside the house. Then comes the time to light a fire!

Last year, around Christmas time, we bought some wood from our usual grocery store. After trying to build a fire with it for about an hour, we realized that it wasn't going to burn. This year, we bought wood from a sketchy-looking roadside vendor, and the logs burn ten times better than the grocery store firewood. Lesson learned: just because it's from the grocery store, and not from a sketchy roadside vendor doesn't mean it's higher quality.


1 comment:

  1. It's like when you're trying to buy quality clams.

    The best places are the ones you get from a guy named Vinnny in the back of a jeep behind a Denny's rather than Superstores. :S


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