Sunday, January 30, 2011

Texan-Sized Forever XXI

If you're ever in the need to be seriously overwhelmed, visit a two-story Forever XXI store in Texas.

My trip to the Forever XXI at Memorial City Mall gave new meaning to the word "overwhelmed".

All of the Forever XXI stores I've been to have been big, with an unlimited amount of varying styles to choose from, and unending things to look at. Two stories, however, of this hodge-podge of clothing is nothing but overwhelming, crowded and virtually impossible to not get lost in all of the mayhem.

It is officially a "Texan-sized" store in my mind.

You know how they say, "Everything's bigger in Texas"? Well, it's true. Think of anything, and you can find someplace in Texas where that thing is found to be unreasonably large. Portion sizes, highways, houses, and even sometimes people (though that stereotype is exaggerated a bit) are all bigger. However, I hadn't come across a store that was just too big to handle. There are department stores that are just as big as this particular store, but generally there is a wider range of products. This particular Forever XXI is literally all just clothing, shoes and accessories stocked ceiling to floor on hundreds of tables, shelves and racks. I don't think it's even possible to see everything in the store in one visit.



  1. what about the sizes.

    are texan clothing sizes bigger? :S

  2. I haven't really compared anything yet! But I don't think it would be a lot different, if there is a difference at all.


Thanks for your comments, questions, etc!